
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fr. "Lawsuit" Dan Fitzpatrick Isn't a Girl; He's a Frat Boy

Father Dan, playing a bit of air drums after filing a lawsuit against a 96-year old Filipino nun who mentioned that she didn't like Sons of Anarchy.


UPDATE (2:21 CST 6/3): Father Dan just took down his "Vine"--the video he put up on his Facebook page three months ago--of his priestly self, unshaven and with open-necked plaid shirt, air drumming to Phil Collins' "I Can Feel it in the Air Tonight."


  1. Looks like someone is obsessed with this young priest - awkward.

    1. Looks like someone else is defending his boyfriend. That's so cute!

  2. I think you'll find he's my brother in Christ. I notice by your name you are a mom. Please teach your children respect and love for their priest.

    1. My children's Great Uncle is a Bishop Emeritus. We have great respect for priests until they begin to act a fool and overstep their boundaries. Priests are men, not gods and each is human. Human enough to make mistakes and be morons. And honestly, it's wouldn't be the first time I saw a Priest with a boyfriend. Do you hate gays? Are you a bigot?
      I have no clue whether or not you are actually a Priest "FrBob" just as you have no clue who I am. But you are fighting very hard to defend a man who slandered a woman blogger. Do you hate women, as well?
