
Thursday, January 7, 2016

"I Have Confidence in the Buddha!" More Blasphemy From Francis

On the Feast of the Epiphany, the Pope gives us baby Jesus--alongside a Pagan idol and a set of Muslim prayer beads inscribed with "Allahu Akbar!"

As Vox Cantoris points out, this is "pure unadulterated, blasphemous syncretism, for all to see!"

He is scourging Him again in front of our very eyes.

In the video, the Pope once again appears to move and speak slowly in an exaggerated manner, almost as if he were drugged. There are now, in the Vatican, all sorts of rumors about his mental stability. There is also a climate of fear.

Blogging will resume next Friday.


  1. Thanks, Nostra Aetate!!

    Seattle Kim

  2. It is wretched, ghastly, nausea inducing. Throw the bums out! Who produced this dreck?

    1. Who? POPE FRANCIS ...

  3. First I was angry and then I felt sick.

  4. Yes. That's exactly how I felt. Though I would add a third emotion - fear.

    That final image is Satanic.

  5. I sort of get a cold and numb feeling.

    What's next?

  6. The rubbish began with John 23 and Vat 2. On Wednesday I played the organ for the Epiphany Mass with a priest who was an aid to Archbishop Thuc, one of the few brave prelates who rejected Vat 2 thus forfeiting his pension and livelihood. This Vietnamese archbishop had lots of Catholic martyrs in his ancestry. Thuc was teaching in a sedevacantist seminary in NY in the early 80's, but was basically kidnapped by Novus Ordo church officials. If you'd like to hear the story click below and go to the sermon by Fr. Francis Miller, a wonderful priest.

    Seattle kim

    1. God bless Fr. Francis Miller and his brave Brothers in Christ who keep the torch of Catholic Truth burning! He brings the Holy Sacrament to South Africa twice a year. Thanks be to God.

  7. Notice how the muslim says he believes in God, then has to say "Allah." Unfortunately for him, one is God, the other is the Devil.

  8. Wow. That is all I can say. Wow. Too bad so many martyrs died for their faith for nothing.

  9. Thanks freemasonry.

    Better soundtrack for this video rather than chant-like wailing female:

    Just can't think of a proper Bowie song to go with it. Would've been nice if I had.

    Seattle kim
