
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Anti-Islam Priest Has His Server Confiscated by French Police, Website Shut Down


It was Abbé Guy Pagès. The story is here. And another interview with him is here (via GalliaWatch).

Sorry, it's all in French. But here's a badly translated version of Father's side of the story:
[T]his February 16 on judicial requisition, the police, without warning, came to capture our new host server and all data and backups of our website, under the auspices of the new legal provisions on the fight against terrorism and Articles 227-24 and 225-17 of the Penal code criminalizing respectively the "broadcast of a violent character inciting terrorism, or that is pornographic or likely to cause serious harm to human dignity...when this message is likely to be seen or perceived by a minor and with the respect due to the dead." ! There is no doubt, we can only congratulate the police and intelligence services for their unerring flair in clearly in tracking down real support for terrorism and the true enemies of France!
Guy Pagès has devoted much of his ministry to evangelizing Muslims. For this he was accused of advocating terrorism by the French authorities and raided and harassed under the recent State of Emergency.

Needless to say, he has also been persecuted by the collaborationist FrancisChurch.

God bless you, Father.

[Update: a friend from France posted this Wayback Machine link to Father's site, Islam and Truth.]


  1. Must not have gotten that January prayer intention video. We're all children of God and we all believe in love!🌻🌸💐🌷😍😘😍😘😍
    No need to evangelize anyone. In fact, no reason to be Catholic anymore.

    Seattle Kim

    1. Btw all the question marks were hearts and flowers.

    2. I can verify that. They came out just fine on my internal comments moderation page. Have a restful and restorative Sunday, Kim!
