
Monday, February 15, 2016

Pope Francis Creepily Equates Muslim Migration into Europe with the Impregnation of the Biblical Sarah

The man appears to be insane. Against the shocking recent wave of Muslim migrant rapes and sexual assaults--including the anal rape of a 72-year old woman (the convicted perpetrator got 20 months and will not be deported)--creepy is not even the word. A better one would be "obscene."

From a recent interview with Pope Francis in Milan's Corriere Della Sera
Often, Bergoglio uses a Biblical metaphor. He compares the Old Continent to Sarah, the wife of Abraham. Sarah was sterile and when she was more than seventy years old, according to the customs of those remote times she gave her slave to her husband so he could father a child on her. But then, miraculously, she succeeded in having one at the age of ninety. "Europe," Francisco loves to repeat, "is like Sarah, who first feared but then smiled secretly." His hope, referring to what he had said, is that Europe will "smile secretly" at the immigrants.*
Without skipping a beat, the Pope then favorably mentioned Konrad Adenauer.

*"Spesso, Bergoglio usa una metafora biblica. Paragona il Vecchio Continente a Sara, la moglie di Abramo. Sara è sterile e quando ormai ha più di settant’anni, secondo gli usi di quei tempi remoti dà in moglie la sua schiava al marito perché partorisca per lei un figlio. Poi, però, miracolosamente, riesce ad averne uno a novant’anni. «L’Europa», ama ripetere Francesco, «è come Sara, che prima si spaventa ma poi sorride di nascosto». La sua speranza, riferisce chi gli ha parlato, è che l’Europa «sorrida di nascosto» agli immigrati" English translation by Diversity Macht Frei via Bare Naked Islam.


  1. If he isn't compos mentis it would be a blessed relief but I think he's no crazier than any 1960s Jesuit.

  2. Either he's saying that this invasion will increase fertility by some sort of convergence with the native populations (which very well could be the destruction of nations that Our Lady spoke of), or that it will wake Europe up to what it's been doing wrong.

    If it's the former, he's insane, if it's the latter, he's a saint.

    And I have no idea which.

    1. Francis is evil. He is an anti-pope and the false prophet of Revelations.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He means neither - he is saying that Europeans should be happy about the Islamicization of her lands by Muslims which under no circumstances should be converted. He is insane.

    1. He is certainly evil. His verbal and written manipulations and distortions are sophisticated and clever.

  4. There will be oceans of blood before Islam is converted. So be it. Unless, of course, there is supernatural intervention that averts this.

  5. Gen 25:23 "The LORD said to her, "Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other"

    Is that creepy? Because it is nearly verbatim what the Holy Father said. God is pretty creepy, huh? Yeah.

    I wish Catholics actually, you know, knew Scripture and spoke Scripturally, because then they would recognize and appreciate the gift of God that is Pope Francis.

    But, since many Catholics - especially traditionalists - don't know squat about Scripture, we get this airy-fairy handwaving conniption fit from them.

    1. Yes, but they had the same parents, which is crucial. God creates many from one, which is an act of creation, if the converse happens, that is if many become one, then it's an inversion and not from God.

    2. Steve, what does Rebecca's pregnancy have to due with Sarah's miracle? When Sarah had her baby she nagged Abraham into kicking Ishmael and Hagar out. And what does this have to due with Ishmael's invader sons grabbing booty?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I guess all those popes who fought Islam like Pope Pius V who established the Holy League and Pope Urban II who ordered the First Crusade didn't "know squat" about Scripture or they would have welcomed the Islamization of Europe instead of calling for Christians to fight it. What an arrogant, "airy-fairy" comment!

  7. You just never know with Pope Francis. One charitable way of looking at it is that if it's true (as he himself claims) that his main (only?) news source is leafing through La Repubblica for a few minutes a day, it's conceivable he has no idea of the migrant rape/sex assault/groping crisis. If all I did was read La Repubblica, I might not know anything about it either.

    But the quote is still pretty weird.

    However, considering, among other things, that Francis is currently doing more damage to the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith than any human being now on earth, my charity quotient for him is pretty low.

  8. Did Sarah smile secretly, or laugh, then deny that she laughed, and was called on it by an angel? I would say it is more like the various nations that always seemed to manage to turn Israel away from God and replace the culture of God's chosen.

  9. If those immigrants can be converted? What kind of alternate universe you living in there pal? Bergoglio apologists are so deep in denial, they no longer care about the truth. This is what happens when the pope becomes an idol.

  10. Once you accept that Bergoglio is in fact the False Prophet ( REV.) all of his tangled utterings cease to trouble you. A state of emergency exists, so please pray this Prayer most fervently
