
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hangin' With the Butcher

Along with Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his brother Fidel, Raul Castro directly participated in the executions of many hundred "enemies of the revolution" (Raul is the one tying the blindfold on) and was also responsible for ordering or signing off on the murders of thousands more. Some were killed without trial. Others were given trials that lasted minutes. Mercifully, some were allowed Last Rites.


  1. Photographs for the ages in service to truth. Illustrative of the Francis' faux mercy. Deeply disturbing.

  2. A picture is worth a thousand words.

  3. Do you think the Pope heard Raul's confession or Raul heard the Popes?

  4. Will Hillary be asked to denounce Obama the way Trump was asked to denounce David Duke?

    This is far worse for Trump was not partying with David Duke, who never killed anyone.

  5. Both our secular and spiritual leaders are 'in bed' with the demonic.
