
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Pity Me

The kids are running and screaming but within an hour they will hopefully be asleep. My wife is about to go out to hang with friends. And I will be alone with...


Pity me.


  1. Bwahaha, at first I thought that was your taxes.

    1. I wish. I've already spent my refund.

    2. You do not Know? THE MOST HERETICAL EXHORTATION UNDER THE SUN by the anti-pope Francis (false prophet of the Cathoilc Church)

  2. I sympathize, skin-brother. I made it to paragraph 30 in a whole day, even double-checking his Hebrew. 1/10th of the way done. Hoping a lot is filler to make it so bloated no one would read it and discover his nefarious plot.

    1. It really is stunning. It's probably he longest papal document ever (50% longer than Laudato si). Yet the apologists claim that it doesn't say anything new. It's supposedly partly for priests and families, yet how many in those categories will actually read the whole thing? I think the length is better to hide the heresy in. What other explanation could there be? Or is the Kissing Priest paid by the word?

    2. "Let you yes be yes and your no be no. Anything else is from the devil."

  3. I want to say: Don't bother! This is the point I personally have come to, first the (secular) political sphere, and now in Church politics. I wish there was a Noah somewhere building an ark ....that -I would find hopeful. I'd love to pitch in and win a spot aboard once the rain begins to fall. I don't want to be in this awful world. The physical beautiful world I appreciate and love and enjoy...God is there. This warring world of ideas and men and women and laws and pronouncements is full of the Devil. I see him there.
    No more TV. Less and less news. I know if I look into this 'exhortation' it will twist up my stomach and then I feel sick with disappointment. It becomes an unexhortation for me.
    All I can say is good luck. I hope you have a crucifix there with your pencil and pad.

  4. +AMDG

    Balaenae nobis conservandae sunt!

  5. Wasn't his advice to keep homilies short? What the Francis happened with this testament?

  6. Bewildering, bloated, and barmy.
