
Monday, July 25, 2016

Paul Simon at the DNC (FULL VIDEO)


  1. Well, there's nothing smaller than a fetus, but they can't turn to Hillary for help. I thought Art Garfunkel sung this song. He sung it better.
    What a weird world. God help us.

  2. A Bridge over Troubled Waters... St. Catherine of Siena didn't hesitate to apply this to herself, after her experiences in her dialogues with Jesus Christ. She said her mission was to be a bridge over troubled waters of the fourteenth century Church. The same applies for us.

  3. It was Art Garfunkel's song, and Simon wrote it with his voice in mind. Then when it became such a huge hit, he was jealous that Garfunkel got all the adoration while he just sang a bit of harmony on the last verse. His original musical instincts were sound; he shouldn't have tried this song, with the state his voice is in now.

  4. That was pretty awful! Is it just me? Yikes...embarrassing, Paul.

  5. Well, on YouTube, the thumbs down are beating the thumbs up 2:1. I've never seen that before. It's not just you.
