
Monday, November 28, 2016

Muslim Car/Knife Attacker Had Complained About Islamophobia

The profile is from the 8-25-16 issue of The Lantern, a student newspaper at Ohio State University:
Kevin Stankiewicz / Oller Reporter 
"I just transferred from Columbus State. We had prayer rooms, like actual rooms where we could go to pray because Muslims have to pray five times a day. There's Fajr, which is early in the morning, at dawn. Then Ruhr during the daytime, then Asr in the evening, like right about now. and then Maghreb, which is like right at sunset and then Isha at night. I wanted to pray Asr. I mean, I'm new here. This is my first day. This place is huge, and I don't even know where to pray. I wanted to pray in the open, but I was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. I'm a Muslim, it's not what the media portrays me to be. If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don't know what they're going to think, what's going to happen. But I don't blame them. It's the media that put that picture in their heads so they're just going to have it and it, it's going to make them feel uncomfortable. I was kind of scared right now. But I just did it. I relied on God. I went over to the corner and prayed. 
Abdul Razak Artan, Third-year in logistics management


  1. Wow! Truth is stranger than fiction. Dhimmitude gone berserk.

  2. They have learned to use the liberals mania about political correctness against us. They have learned that liberals will only care if they are personally affected, if savagery happens to someone else, that is their problem. They have learned to use fictional "victim status" as leverage to get what they want. It works so well because liberals are not discerning. They do not value reality, history, or objective truth nor facts.
    I ask God to help the victims.
    I thank God, that Hillary Clinton, who promised to bring tens of thousands of these barbarians here, was denied that opportunity.
    One must at this point seriously consider that world leaders who continue to import Muslims are in fact working to eliminate the existence of influence of Christians or Jews. What other possible reason could be identified for people to want to bring in people committed to the slaughter of other people? Americans said NO to this, by the millions. At some point, Europeans must do the same. At the very least.

  3. It appears Catholic Charities resettled the perpetrator and his family in the USA (with help from the Obama administration I surmise).

    St Francis of Assisi and all Holy Men and Women of God who confronted Islam, pray for us!

    1. Yes, at the end of a post over at the Gateway Pundit on the topic it ends with "according to Catholic Charities" (I believe in Dallas).

  4. Oakes, I'm not finding it now. It was either GP, Drudge, Jihad Watch or Britebart!

  5. I just now found something at the conservativetreehouse.

  6. Tracked it down. Drudge citing NBC news.

    1. You beat them to it by 24 hours. :)
