The man they call Pope Francis was roundly mocked for the bizarre ferula he wielded for the opening of the Synod on Youth on Wednesday.
He was Gandalf. It was a slingshot, etc.
Some wag even modified a photograph to use the fork as a "V" for Vigano.
As far as I know, Catholic commentator Ann Barnhardt was the first to identify it as a stang or Wiccan forked staff.
The stang as such seems to have been invented by mid-20th English occultist Robert Cochrane. Cochrane led the life of an English eccentric, though it would end tragically. He founded two covens (the first broke up due to factional infighting), and maintained an ongoing feud with a rival pagan sect leader. Later he got into a tiff with his family over a claim that he came from a long line of magicians. His Wikipedia entry includes this priceless line:
His nephew, Martin Lloyd, has refuted that the family were ever Witches, insisting that they were Methodists.
Cochrane cheated on his witch-wife, who then threatened to hex him. A few months later he committed suicide by ingesting belladonna on Midsummer Eve. He was thirty-five.
But I digress.
Sarah Anne Lawless, a contemporary self-proclaimed witch, describes the construction of a stang as follows:
Many make a stang according to Cochrane’s instructions – a tall forked piece of Ash wood with an iron nail in the base, two arrows crossed at near the top and a wreath circling them. This is tradition specific, a stang can be made from any type of wood and instead of being naturally forked one could top a staff with a goat or deer skull or bind antlers or bull horns to the top with rawhide to create the fork. A stang can be any height – from three feet to six feet. I use a three-foot three-pronged Hawthorn staff myself.
To give it an added function, some witches put a candle between the tines or screw a hook into the wood to hang a lantern from. This is practical as well as representing the light of cunning and wisdom.
![]() |
From Green Witchcraft III: The Manual, Volume 3 |
The Bergoglio stang incorporates the requisite iron nail as a crosspiece at the top. Perhaps it could be used to hang a lantern from, representing the light of cunning and wisdom.
Where did he get that stang?
Francis claims that it was a gift from "youth" to be used at the Synod on the same.
Miss Barnhardt posted a picture apparently verifying this.
But if you look carefully, there's another interesting detail. The woman on the left (who according to reports is a not so young thirty years of age) is wearing a red string bracelet, which Barnhardt describes "as a very common talisman in witchcraft/Wicca and Kabbalah, which is basically a hybrid of Talmudic Judaism and witchcraft."
Apparently, it's worn by all the youths.
Is Bergoglio a Satanist? I don't know. I mean it's not like he performs religious rituals wielding a stang or anything.
But to be serious, while in the face of this wicked circus, it's often healthy to laugh, it would be foolish to laugh this off. If the Catholic faith is true, and thus Satan and Satanism exists, if heresy and heretical prelates are on the move, and if Satan is ultimately behind this, as the Catholic Church teaches, why wouldn't we now be seeing such a link?
What do you think heretical antipopes do?
Or, more to the point, what does Satan do with them?
I think she gets it precisely right:
As I have said and written before, one of satan’s most clever moves has been to foment, encourage and push mentally ill and demonically oppressed people to LOUDLY broadcast insane, ridiculous, totally false “conspiracy theories”. We all know the types and categories. Mind control beams, “chem trails”, shape shifting lizards, underground civilizations, flat earthers, the list goes on and on and on.
What this has done is make it almost impossible to point out, discuss, and warn about ACTUAL sinister goings-on and actual, honest-to-goodness conspiracies that are very real . . .
I am morally certain that Antipope Bergoglio’s carrying of a Stang with the iron nail so prominently positioned, into the opening of a farce synod whose entire agenda is the ratification of sodomy, is a clear case of manifestation of satanism.
And if that makes me a conspiracy theorist, so be it. Some conspiracies are real.
Notice too, that Jesus, our God, our King, is subsumed into the Wiccan wood.
ReplyDeleteThe most evil, sacreligious thing I have ever seen in my life, given that it is held aloft by the purported Vicar of Christ.
Still they say nothing.
Oh, judgement is coming. Denounce this evil. Do not be complicit!
The wood sections look more like bone joints
ReplyDeleteIt is long past time to believe the evidence of our own senses. I may go crazy myself if Catholics pass this off, oh he just didn't know, somebody put those girls there, he wanted to be polite, etc., etc. Please, no more, the man is diabolical.
DeleteAs much as I don't like Francis, he was given the stupid stick. It's not like they gave him a choice of 10 sticks and he picked that one saying, "This looks Satanic, I like it!"
ReplyDeleteRight, he was 'given' the stupid Satanic stick. you think it might be logical for a true Catholic Pope to look at this and say: "What the h _ _ _ is THIS??" Even if he were being 'polite' he would maybe take it and put it away somewhere and ask someone to bring him a real Christian Ferula? One that honored Christ? This man is not a Pope....the man is a fraud and an evil one at that.
DeleteSo according to you, anyone is free to approach Jorge Bergoglio at any time, and that humble man--out of the goodness of his heart--must simply oblige them? Please, let Archbishop Vigano and Cardinal Burke know, right away!
Delete(Meaning, if there's anything more laughable/satanic than this "staff" itself, it's the notion that Jorge Bergoglio isn't sporting it of his own free will.)
Sharing this now. Thank You.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone see this video of Bergoglio participating in a demonic ritual where he lights a torch and kisses Rockefeller's and his masonic-Jewish company's hands, one-by-one, in public???
ReplyDeleteThis was remembrance of Jews slaughtered by Hitler.
DeleteLooks to me like he took a wrong turn on the way to the Quidditch match.
ReplyDeleteIt does look like a stang to me. It's also like a mockery of the papal ferula cross with the wood, nail and something like the face of Jesus at the bottom of the fork. There's a clearer pic here:
ReplyDeleteAbomination of desolation
DeleteChem trails are real, do some investigation before you lump it in with the rest of the nonsense.
ReplyDeleteUh...the thing on her wrist is probably a knotted rosary bracelet, like the one I wear.
ReplyDeleteMaybe.....but being on her wrist at the same time presenting the stang, makes me think otherwise. A talisman.I've worn the knotted rosary, pray on knotted rosaries, so that in itself is just a devotion. Again, it's the presentation of the stang that makes it not such a stretch to call the bracelet a talisman. Just saying.
DeleteI was a Satanist performing black mass and witchcraft every day for 25 years. Then I became a Roman Catholic. I'm telling you from experience the Satan the devil lives in the flesh of Pope Francis. I'm about to convert to Eastern Orthodox (the proven truest oldest and original form of Christianity) to disassociate myself from the communist homosexual sodomites (priest) that follow this disciple of Satan Pope Francis.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 7:14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!
The narrow gate is the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is why only the highest ranking Satanist perform a black mass that is an Eastern Orthodox mass done backwards. It is the lower ranking Satanist that perform a black mass that is a Roman mass done backwards. The reason no black mass or blasphemy is directed towards any protestant church is they are the devils own already.
Martin Luther took the original Bible with 73 books (the number of completion) removed 7 books (the number of God) and left 66 books (the number of Satan) just so he could commit sexual sins with a nun as a protestor against God.
The narrow gate is the Eastern Orthodox Church founded by Christ's disciples in the very building Christ last supper took place the day of Christ's resurrection.
Matthew 16:18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the only Church the gates of hell have not prevailed against, unlike protestants who's lineage comes from a devil worshiper that changed the word of God to satisfy his own sins and the Roman Catholics who's supreme leader is not Christ but a man possessed by Satan with an obvious proclivity for paganism and witchcraft who wants a one word religion that is more Muslim than Christian.
The Eastern Orthodox Bible is older and has undergone less translation and remember Christ and his disciples spoke read and wrote Greek not Latin.
Your claims about the "Orthodox" are erroneous. They are a bunch of fractured heretics and schismatics that have done a decent job of not tampering with their respective liturgies. Remain with the one true Faith, outside of which there is no Salvation. Why are you so eager to return to following Satan and his lies?
Delete.. His claims are true. I as a orthodox priest verifiably follow the ancient apostolic faith. Not a satanic pope. Disgusting and you want to call me a follower of satan? You do not know the Lord if you can follow francis.
DeleteThose who leave the Faith were never really fully faithful. If you had a reason to join, you should remember why you decided to be Catholic in the first place. We have had periods of rotten clergy in NT times and the OT Faith of which Catholicism is the evolution--the final form. It has always been restored and will be so again, one day. It's Magisterium decides what is truth. It hasn't changed doctrine, because it can't. It doesn't ultimately matter what translations say; it's what it has taught as we fide truth. All others will continue living out some Renaissance Festival-style fantasy. BTW, don't the Eastern Orthodox allow for contraception and remarriages? Maybe it's the Russian Orthodox. It makes no difference. Like the Protestants, they are not concerned with problems in their faith, but in the one with the seat of Peter--Chief bishop and PM of the kingdom of God on Earth position theirs will never have The Apostles would never have parted way with him, so it's laughable that yours would be considered "Apostolic". Yours is safe, for now, because yours is not any threat to Satan. Breathe easily. Your churches are of little or no consequence in this final cosmic battle. The one that is is the one that gets the infiltration of its ranks, but also the one that gets restored by God and will be seen in its pure form, as Christ, her spouse, who looked like a man of sin on his last day, was in his resurrected form three days later for all to see!
DeleteI was a Satanist performing black mass and witchcraft every day for 25 years. Then I became a Roman Catholic. I'm telling you from experience the Satan the devil lives in the flesh of Pope Francis. I'm about to convert to Eastern Orthodox (the proven truest oldest and original form of Christianity) to disassociate myself from the communist homosexual sodomites (priest) that follow this disciple of Satan Pope Francis.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 7:14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!
The narrow gate is the Eastern Orthodox Church. This is why only the highest ranking Satanist perform a black mass that is an Eastern Orthodox mass done backwards, such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Brotherhood of Saturn, or the Order of Nine Angles. It is the lower ranking Satanist that perform a black mass that is a Roman mass done backwards like blue lodge Masons or the Church of Satan. The reason no black mass or blasphemy is directed towards any protestant church is they are the devils own already according to Satanic standards.
Martin Luther took the original Bible with 73 books (the number of completion) removed 7 books (the number of God) and left 66 books (the number of Satan) just so he could commit sexual sins with a nun as a protest against God.
The narrow gate is the Eastern Orthodox Church founded by Christ's disciples in the very building Christ last supper took place the day of Christ's resurrection. Any comprehensive survey of the timeline of Christianity, early Christian doctrine, compared to the geographical locations of Eastern Orthodox Churches will clearly show of Eastern Orthodox Church is not only 1050 years older than the Roman Catholic Church but almost completely unaltered from it's 1st century form.
Matthew 16:18 And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the only Church the gates of hell have not prevailed against, unlike protestants who's lineage comes from a devil worshiper that changed the word of God to satisfy his own sins and the Roman Catholics who's supreme leader is not Christ but a man possessed by Satan with an obvious proclivity for paganism and witchcraft who wants a one word religion that is more Muslim than Christian.
The Eastern Orthodox Church is completely devoid of the pagan influence and witchcraft that permeates the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches.
The Eastern Orthodox Bible is the oldest that has gone through the least translation. Remember Christ and his disciples spoke read and wrote Greek not Latin.
God bless you on your reception into the undivided true vineyard.
Deleteso you want to leave a church who has tried feebly to allow divorced and remarried to receive the Eucharist and join a church which has allowed it for over a thousand years. They allow 3 marriages and reject the fourth. Which apostolic teaching did they get that from?
DeleteThe Pope who you are opposing actually considers the Eastern Orthodox practice as something that we Catholics should consider in the pastoral care of our Catholic marriages. Cardinal Kasper also appeals to the Eastern Orthodox practice to weaken the indissoluble bond of marriage which Christ established. How you can consider these schismatics as the narrow gate is beyond my ability to comprehend. You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It is an act of cowardice to abandon the church now in her time of need. We need to stand up against attacks on marriage, morality, liturgy and theology. Pray for the Pope who Satan is attempting to sift like wheat. If the person of the Pope is upsetting you too much, then at least pray for the Holy Office of Pope that it may not fall to the grasp of Satan. Running off with a whimper is shameful How will you answer to God for this abandonment of Christ in his our of need. Don't be like the apostles abandoning Christ on the Cross. Let us all be like the Apostle John and our mother Mary who stayed and wept with him to the bitter end. Do not lose faith. Please stay in the Barque of Peter. She will not sink even though the storm is so great.
Well said. It sounds like you copied a post of mine from a different blog I posted on. I have been noticing an interesting up tick to leave the Church and join the Orthodox. Satan is tempting this fellow. I hope he resist and he will receive great merit from Our Lord. Thanks for your post. God bless.
DeleteSo a kook who tried to popularize “witchcraft” to market witchy crafts is your authority for what a “stang” is? I looked up the word on line and the first definitions suggested that a “strang” was an archaic word from Middle English or Old Norse word for staff, goad, rod for measuring or a sting.
ReplyDeleteIs Barnhardt selling witchy crafts or something?
"staff, goad, rod for measuring or a sting", which are used by pagans.
DeleteDedicate your time in prayer to Our Virgin Mary through the Rosary and you wont have to fear the stick in his hand. Wow! What a piece of wood can do to you of little faith.
ReplyDeleteI am interpreting many of these comments not as fear, but rather as shock, consternation, and disgust. But I agree completely about your suggestion to "stick to the rosary", no pun intended :)
DeleteMany priest are saying he is the false prophet. Preparing the way for the AntiChrist. I believe they are correct. The book of Destiny (released before Vatican II) says the liturgy would be changed to accommodate this false prophet. I myself concur. He has rejected the red cope and thus the Kingship of Christ. He is the Pope in White leading his deceived flock to the twisted cross and thus DEATH. Pray PRAY very much...... daily the Holy Rosary and stay close to the Most Holy Mother of God. Your salvation depends on your choices. Remember in rejecting the Kingship of Christ a person embraces the Kingship of Satan. May the majestic beauty of Our Lord Jesus Christ shine on the sons of God (his people) once again. God Bless you all.
ReplyDeleteI believe, and have believed for some time, that this is, sadly, so. NO OTHER WAY to read this guy's actions/words....There is something very VERY 'off' about Francis....
DeleteA red knotted string can likewise be St. Philomena's Cord, which is usually worn around one's waist under clothing, but it can also be worn on the wrist as a bracelet. Some young people choose the bracelet option over the waist cord as an outward sign of their association with St. Philomena and their commitment to chastity. Given the fact, though, that the young lady is holding a stang, I am led to assume that her red cord is not associated with the rosary, St. Philomena, or another Catholic devotion (I've also seen red knotted cord bracelets for St. Benedict).
ReplyDeleteFor those who are interested in this devotion, here is information, taken from the website of the Sanctuary of St. Philomena in Italy:
"The Saint Cure of Ars, who had many times experienced Saint Philomena’s miraculous intercession, loved seeing the faithful wearing the precious Cord and he would suggest this pious practice to everyone.
This pious devotion is a powerful aid not only to receive healings of the body, but in particular it is a defense against impure spirits (and a symbol of chastity).
In this way, Saint Philomena will preserve, chaste and pure, safe from temptation, those who honour her virginal purity with this holy livery. Many steeped in the new rationalism of our days, find it hard to understand how a simple cord of thread can have the virtue of healing sickness of body and spirit. But these people are short on religious education, and do not realize that a Blessing from the Holy Church can deliver extraordinary virtues even to the simplest of souls. The hand of the blessing Priest, transmits to the substances healthy virtues for the body and the spirit, thanks to the merits of Jesus Christ’s Redemption.
The Cord of Saint Philomena is made with threads of cotton or wool of white and red colour. In one of the extremities it has two knots to remember the Virginity and Martyrdom of the Saint."
The Rosary, and St. Philomena's cord, sound like perfect antidotes to all of the scandal and doctrinal confusion unfortunately present in the Church today. I never thought I would see the Pope wearing a rainbow cross (whatever its actual meaning may be) or holding a satanic object like a stang. How heartbreaking.
I bought such a cord. I believe it was red and white.
DeleteIt's amazing how many people put to much emphasis in what the pope's wear or doesn't wear; instead of looking at his works of God's mercy on earth. The time of Catholic Inquisition passed hundreds of years ago. It seems to me some people so called "Catholics" wants the Inquisition back. Lord have mercy of us all!