
Friday, March 29, 2019

"...and then in the Class of 1973 I caught this ridiculously awesome shot of my new favorite bishop."

The above is from a blog post by Brandon Vogt, the content director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, reporting on a visit he made to Mundelein Seminary in 2012.

I'm just going to leave it here without comment.


Okay, I lied. Or, rather, I can't resist attaching another picture from the same post.


  1. What's that Peter Principle, the incompetent rise to the top? Nothing but God can uproot these effeminate apostates out of the church. We need a massive "stop the support" movement.

  2. This is the reason Christ wondered if He would find any faith when he comes again. Who wants to be anywhere near these abhorrent individuals.

  3. Mark Shea is pro-abortion! How do I know? He has already promised, in writing, to vote for whoever the Democrats nominate in 2020.

  4. The Peter Principle is that every person in a hierarchy rises to his level of incompetence. (Not "to the top.")

    Peter was writing, however, of normal hierarchies, such as corporations. There, as long as people prove competent, they are promoted. The promotions stop when they are found to be incompetent.

    In the Catholic hierarchy, which is abnormal and dysfunctional, promotions are based on various corrupt criteria, as can be seen in the case of well-known homosexual bishops who destroy a series of dioceses in the course of their careers.

  5. Did Shea just emerge from the men's room?

    1. I think he just emerged from a Jimmy's Porterhouse.

    2. ....where he got the BOGO special!!

    3. The gut rolling down the front of the pants is a nice touch. Reminds me of the Cardinal Dolan photo with several buttons unbuttoned down by the "fly" area.
