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"Go kiss that land that is ours!" |
The above quote and others like it can be found if you Google "Bergoglio Malvinas".
This is a follow-up to the recent post on the Pope posing with a "Dialogue for Malvinas" t-shirt.
On this issue, the Franboys were in full swing, saying the Pope was "surprised" or "tricked" or "just being polite" or whatever. But the evidence for the Pope's nationalist pro-war sympathies (from when he was Archbishop Bergoglio) is incontrovertible. A few responses are possible:
- Bergoglio wasn't actually in favor of war. It's true (as far as I know) that the then Archbishop wasn't standing at the docks yelling "Shoot the gringos!" But no priest would do that. In his subsequent comments and homilies he was as pro-war as any priest could be. Note that there is no evidence that he ever criticized the Argentinian attack. And while he appears to now be in favor of "dialogue", that's the current nationalist line. Preach dialogue. When that doesn't work, attack. After you get your butt kicked (and close to a thousand young men are killed) and it's clear you're militarily weaker and won't succeed through force, preach dialogue again.
- Bergoglio is Argentinian. What do you expect? He's a priest and I expect him to act as a priest. Pope Benedict didn't endorse the Nazi's aggression and Pope Jon Paul II didn't endorse the policies of the Polish government. Indeed, he opposed them, and was one of the primary actors that helped bring down the communist regime.
- But he's so clearly in favor of peace now. He's even against weapons in general. Well that's sort of my point. Pope Francis is a hypocrite. Or rather he's a consistent Latin American populist. War is a capitalist plot, unless it's a war of liberation against colonialist oppressors.
- Shut up you Islamophobe traditionalist. Everything you're saying must be BS (see this minor Reddit exchange). In a sense, that's the best response, since it cannot be countered with argument or logic. Someone making that response has shown that they are immune to such bourgeois fripperies.
That's so weird.
Or rather, it's not weird at all. These days Bergoglio is trying to say pleasing things to the secular world media. In those days he was trying to say pleasing things to Argentinian popular opinion and the Argentinian government.
Bergoglio is a fake.
This blog post references the headline from a British newspaper article published a bit more than two years ago. Here's part of the original article from the Daily Mail:
Fury of the Falklands heroes over new Pope: He believes 'the Malvinas' belong to Argentina, and its president hopes he will support her case
- Pope Francis calls Falkland Islands 'Argentine soil'
- General Sir Hew Pike said new pontiff does not observe islander's rights
- Argentina's president Kirchner hopes Francis will help her claim to islands
PUBLISHED: 18:31 EST, 14 March 2013 | UPDATED: 03:36 EST, 15 March 2013
Falklands veterans told of their dismay last night after the Argentine president hinted she hoped the new Pope – her countryman – would mediate in the dispute surrounding the territory.
Pope Francis believes the South Atlantic islands are ‘Argentine soil’.
In 2010 the then Buenos Aires Cardinal declared: ‘The Malvinas are ours’, and last year he accused Britain of ‘usurping’ the islands.
Firebrand Argentine president Cristina Kirchner, who has for months been seeking easy home popularity by calling for Britain to enter talks on withdrawing from the Falklands, has leapt on the promotion of her fellow Argentine to the papacy to boost her case.
In a televised address yesterday she pointedly said she hoped the new Pope would ‘take a message to the major world powers that they need to participate in dialogue’.
The controversy was stoked up only days after the islanders voted almost unanimously to retain their ties to London.
Last night retired Lieutenant General Sir Hew Pike, who commanded 3 Para in the 1982 conflict, said the newly elected leader of the Catholic Church seemed not to recognise the Falkland islanders’ right to self-determination.
Sir Hew, 69, said the Pope’s statements about the Falklands gave no recognition of the islanders’ wish to remain British.
Sir Hew said: ‘It saddens me that a man of the Pope’s stature does not seem to respect the rights of a group of people to self-determination.
‘We went to war on the basis of that principle of self-determination, for that small community of people in the Falklands, and that’s the point.
One would have thought a priest should respect that.'
Newly-elected Pope Francis, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, claims 'Las Malvinas' belong to Argentina and called Britain 'usurpers'
‘Communities large or small are equally important in this world, but it seems that people like him don’t recognise that. I profoundly disagree with the Pope’s stance.
‘I think when Popes get involved in politics that’s probably not very helpful.’
Major General Malcolm Hunt, who commanded 40 Commando Royal Marines, suggested the Argentine pontiff should take a more diplomatic stance after his elevation.
Referring to his stated belief that the islands belong to Argentina, General Hunt said: ‘It is not ideal, it doesn’t help, and it certainly suits Madame Kirchner to have these things said by such a person.
‘He’ll no doubt say something more diplomatic now he’s Pope.
‘But certainly I would have thought that a man of faith would have been in favour of everybody, wherever they are, having some say about their own life and future.’
A priest might be able to take sides in a purely political battle, but a pope retaining this kind of blind nationalism is a grotesque perversion of the office.
ReplyDeleteTo me it just seems to fly in the face of his recent fuzzy wuzzy peace thing. Also, apparently self-determination is only for Indians.
Delete"He's a consistent Latin American populist. War is a capitalist plot, unless it's a war of liberation against colonialist oppressors." I have been searching for decades, trying to put my finger on that icky Latin American thing, their inability to deal in subtleties, their hair-trigger tempers. You've NAILED IT for me. Great phrase!